Friday, December 22, 2006

Wow! It has been a very busy week! Dad and I had to do some Christmas shopping for Mom on Monday night - that was fun! No really, it was! Tuesday I had my hair done - gotta keep that blonde lookin' bright! Then I cooked and baked for our small Christmas gathering with some friends from school that night. Wednesday, what did that day hold??? Oh yes, lunch with Morgan. I went to high school with Morgan - we were the stars of the basketball team hahaha. So that was nice to catch up with her. Thursday I went to my Mom's school to help with the Grade One class - we made gingerbread houses!!! Then I met up with Gramma and Ken to have lunch! So much fun having lunch dates with those two. We actually got really bad service at this one restuarant so we walked out - Gramma told them what she thought on the way out! Go Gramma! So we went to a great little diner and I had a chocolate milkshake, grilled cheese and onion rings! I felt like a kid again. Then Dad and I were off again to find stocking stuffers for Mom - not the greatest luck. And that brings me to today...I'm still watchin' TV. And I don't feel bad about it. I will go wrap some presents soon and then I am in charge of picking up our turkey - he/she is getting killed as I write. In our house we call the turkey "lurk bird" - don't ask wy, we just do! Makes me laugh though lol. So that has been my crazy week and I'm sure it will only get more crazy in the next few days as Christmas arrives! So exciting! Anywho, I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season and have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS! Enjoy all that family time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas!!!