Monday, October 4, 2010

What would you do?


Fourth date

Date and his roommates had a party the night before. Roommates were away the next day (day of your date). You walk into his place to see cans and bottles everywhere. A&W garbage on floor - a plate with an onion from a burger sitting on the coffee table (stinking up the room like B-O!). Dog poo on the carpet and the place smells of dog pee. You're supposed to be there watching a movie...

Extra fact - the guy is 32

What would you do?

He's into me... I'm not into him... I'm into him... He's not into me

I've decided to start using my blog as a place to share my dating life. I have had many, many, many dates in my short life and some of them have resulted in appalling stories of rude guys, asses and weirdoes... well let me rephrase that - most of them have resulted in these things. And I will be posting about all previous bad experiences and as new ones come a long. Because who am I kidding - there will be more!

However, these last few weeks I have been dating this guy that was unlike any of the guys I have been meeting over the last few years. He was eager to see me, kind, funny, a gentleman - everything that you want a guy to be. So you're probably thinking what's the problem??? It sounds like my search for Mr. Right is over - wrong! There wasn't a bone in my body that was attracted to this guy. I tried! I really, really tried! But you can't force yourself to be attracted to a guy. I wasn't excited before our dates - I knew I'd have fun, but I wasn't giggling like a teenager with excitement - in fact I don't even think I broke a smile. That's not a good sign, ladies!

So then the worst part of dating... telling a guy it's not working out. Ugh! This thought just made me SICK! At this point I was wishing he had been an ass so it would be easier to tell him the bad news. I struggled with the words and I apologized and I could just tell he wanted to get off the phone - no worries, I though, so do I! And then the guilt sets in that he paid for three out 4 dinners on our dates - it's not like I didn't offer to pay or contribute. What's a girl to do???

Lesson of the day: Don't settle! Only do what makes you happy - if you're not happy then it's not meant to be!