Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Here lurker lurker lurker....come on out!!!

Okay, so apparently this is officially blog "delurking week". So at the risk of embarassing myself, do I have any "lurkers"? Please reveal yourself if you read but don't comment :)

AND......Thanks for my comments Christy and Angella! So exciting to see the number 2 next to my comments!!! Teehee....I need to recruit some friends to this blogging world...I keep trying.



Okay so it's been over 24 hours and I don't have any "lurkers"! Isn't that hilarious? I do find it funny! Anyway, I'm sure all in good time I'll acquire my own bunch of lurkers :) Please don't feel sorry for me, just laugh that I thought there might be a chance I even have a lurker hahahaha!

1 comment:

K said...

I may not officially fall into the lurking category as I just found your blog now looking through others, but I leave my mark anyway to show that I was here. ha! happy blogging! But I found you through jen's blog (whom i dont know) through Angella's blog (who Ive only met once) who I found through Jolanda's blog (my sister in law). there is the thread. have a good night!